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Field tests prove that the Tree SentryTM offers distinct advantages over traditional sheltering methods.

Tree Sentry is a patented, innovative shelter design offering a unique shape, materials, and staking. Its advanced design and manufacturing provide unmatched protection and ease of use. Traditional shelters require long tubes with a time-consuming staking and installation process.

The patented Tree Sentry seedling shelters offer an enhanced product that is fast and easy to install for large planting projects. They have become the tree shelter of choice for many Universities and federal, State, and Tribal agencies throughout the United States.

Field-tested sheltering advantages of Tree Sentry:

  • Self-Anchoring Design: No tools needed. Pushes into the soil in seconds with three integral wire stakes.
  • Easy Installation: No assembly or wire ties are required. The Browse Mesh extension installs without tools.
  • Enhanced Protection: The photo-degradable base and 360-degree shading of rootstock protect and shield seedlings from wind and intense sunlight while promoting growth.
  • Photo-degradable Translucent Base: Provides a protective, windless environment of filtered sunlight and promotes photosynthesis, thus accelerating root system development and the planting’s caliper.
  • Animal Defense: Conical design protects against large browsing animals and rodents.
  • Wind Exposure: Allows saplings to feel the wind, strengthening their trunks through thigmomorphogenesis.
  • Seasonal Adaptation: Enables proper dormancy by protecting seedlings while exposing them to seasonal changes.
  • Wider Basal Area: The conical shape provides better ventilation and allows lateral branching.
  • Root Protection: 360-degree shading of rootstock keeps the ground cool and moist, increasing survival rates.
  • Variable Options for UV Stabilizer provide options to address photo-degrading requirements.
  • Enhanced Vertical Growth Rate: Promotes the tendency of a plant to “reach” for the light—a botanical process called phototropism. The brighter light entering the cone from the top causes accelerated vertical growth.
  • Wind Defense: Protects from drying winds, preserving moisture for seedlings.
  • Herbicide and Invasive Species Shield: Guards against herbicide drift and invasive species, ensuring healthy growth.
  • Temperature Regulation: Acts like a mini-greenhouse, mitigating extreme temperatures.

Tree Sentry is a superior tree shelter that combines innovative design and proven effectiveness, making it the best choice for protecting and nurturing seedlings.